Well lets not botter time at chatting....
Step 1:
First of make the "Character" and make it a symbol [F8]. Give him an instance name of; char.
Step 2:
Now to the script:
onClipEvent (load) {
speed = 4
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (Key.isDown(65)) {
this._x -= speed; }
else if (Key.isDown(68)) {
this._x += speed; }
else if (Key.isDown(87)) {
this._y -= speed; }
else if (Key.isDown(83)) {
this._y += speed; }
else { this.gotoAndStop(1);
Step 3:
Now we want the guy to be able to pick up money. Ok, first up. Make a Dynamic text with the "Var"; totalmoney. Hit the first frame and paste this script on the frame;
totalmoney = 20;
now if u press Ctrl+Enter the dynamic text should say 20.
Now you have to make your coins or any kind of money, and make it into a symbol. And give the coin a instance name of coin. Now give the coin this sript;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { ;
if (this.hitTest(_root.char)) ;
_x = -100;
_root.totalmoney += 1
Well thats all for this tutorial.
3 kommentarer:
The total money just goes up by itself forever and I cant see the coin I made.
very badly done tutorial, needs more explanation and maybe you could complete it :O
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